
Here you will find what's been happening on-site and what we've been involved with locally, nationally and abroad. Also join us on facebook and twitter.
awataha_site.jpg On-site News
Reports and articles on what is happening on-site at Awataha
Local News
Reports and articles on what Awataha are involved in with the local North Shore community and in the greater Auckland region
National News
Reports and articles on what Awataha are involved in nationally within Aotearoa
world_1.jpg International News
Reports and articles on what Awataha are involved in abroad

Cultural Experiences
Events and Conference Venue
Specialty Library
Education Provider
Health Provider
Urban Marae
Awataha Marae is based on the North Shore in Auckland.  We exist to help people realise their potential and to bring together people of all cultures. Kotahitanga encompasses all we stand for - we invite you to join us.
Awataha Marae
58 Akoranga Drive
North Shore City  0627
Ph. (09) 486 5467